10 Important Life Lessons Learned in 2018

Oh, hello there. It’s been awhile. 5 months to be exact. A lot has changed since I spoke to you last. I wanted to discuss some important shit that I’ve learned over the past year. Some, more serious than others. All of these things stemmed from real life scenarios, and if you’d like more detailContinue reading “10 Important Life Lessons Learned in 2018”

How to Keep Things Hygge in the Spring

The hygge way of life was invented to combat the notorious depression that comes with winter. Denmark has long, drawn-out winters with scarce amounts of daylight. Therefore, they needed a way (or a feeling, if you will) to not only get through this time, but to embrace it. So hygge was born. Hygge, when definedContinue reading “How to Keep Things Hygge in the Spring”

Pluviophiles & Petrichor

Don’t you find it odd that some people view rain as dreary and depressing, while others are completely enamored by it? NothingĀ brings me more bliss than gazing out the window on a rainy day, listening to The Postal Service Radio on Pandora, and sipping on coffee or tea. Cliche, I know… It’s just the placeContinue reading “Pluviophiles & Petrichor”